When you feel the strong connection with yourself again, you experience that you can do so much more than you’d ever thought possible!
— Els Basten

Els Basten

Coach, Spiritual Teacher,
Motivational Speaker, Writer

From a deep-seated ambition to guide people and animals back into their strength, Els established her practice in 2008. To be able to create professional service offerings, she had to undergo a deep process of development within herself. 
Els overcame her own illness, chronic fatigue syndrome, by carefully considering and utilizing the various options through her in-depth study of the condition, so she could grow from there. Restoring the connection with her own inner wisdom provided her with the opportunity to make the right choices she needed on her path to healing. She has described this process in her book 'Het Verborgen Geluk' ('Hidden Happiness' - currently only available in Dutch). In order to guide many people in their processes, she continued studying and testing her experiences of theoretical ideas. This is the foundation of her practice.
Els' view is that every illness and disease can be brought back to the point from which it originated. Her belief is that all aspects of our being are connected; body, mind and soul.
The ability to walk individuals through situations with objectivity and common sense, combined with her highly intuitive skills of a spiritual nature, are among Els' greatest strengths.
Els has developed her own method of working with clients in sessions where she optimally combines practical elements of coaching while simultaneously working on an energetic level. 

Els also works with animals. 

"It has always been my wish to work with animals. Every animal lover knows how special animals are. I translate to the human companions how animals experience their world, how they feel physically and what their wishes are. This helps people to understand their animal better, which will strengthen their bond and make them both happier." 

Els has developed a very down to earth yet but profound method to connect with animals in a pure and loving way.

As a professional coach, therapist and healer, Els gives private consultations, workshops, and sessions by email, telephone and Skype. 

Els Basten’s work is amazing!
She is spot on target with her intuition and insights.
— Gary Quinn - Best-selling author and coach

els is known from: